Information Network of Kansas
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e-Government Begins in Kansas

Kansas pioneered the development of e-Government for the nation with the creation of the Information Network of Kansas Inc. (INK) in 1990.

Our History

Kansas is considered the birthplace of eGovernment. Kansas legislation (K.S.A. 74-9301 et seq.) was passed in 1990 authorizing the creation of the Information Network of Kansas, Inc. (INK). In 1991, INK awarded Kansas Information Consortium, LLC (now a subsidiary of NIC, Inc., [NASDAQ: EGOV]) the network manager contract and began eGovernment operations.

The first service provided in 1991 was an e-mail service for subscribers. Other services were added to meet the needs of a growing computerized government and business audience. In 1994, INK offered a wide range of electronic services including legislative legal, banking and educational services.

INK launched the official state Web site for Kansas in January 1995. Kansas had one of the first state sites in the U.S. In 1999, hunting and fishing licenses were made available online. INK launched a new state portal with the name accessKansas in 2000. In 2005, the portal was redesigned and renamed

Kansas has launched many new and varied Web-based applications including business filings, professional license renewals and license verifications. continues to add services and information to improve online access to Kansas government. View a list of services.

INK Board Members